Morning Announcements 4.4.2019

Bulletin – April 4, 2019             


                      Softball vs. Rushville-Industry H.S. @ HOME.  Varsity plays 4:15 / JV play 5:45

  • There will be a bake sale today and tomorrow during 5th hour to raise donations for the Fisher family. Stop by and take care of your sweet tooth while helping out a family in need.

  • Congratulations to the staff members for winning the Students vs. Faculty scholastic bowl match yesterday!

  • This week is Autism Awareness Spirit Week.

Thursday April 4th- Be an Individual: Crazy Socks Day

Friday April 5th- Be Comfortable with Autism: Wear Pajamas

  • Don’t forget the dodgeball tournament is tomorrow.  If you have any questions please see Bailey Kennelly.


  • FCHS Theatre Presents: “Beauty and the Beast” April 12-14. Cost for students is $5. Come and be our guest!


  • The FCHS Dance Team is selling Yankee Candle items. See a member of the team or Miss Clark for more details.



  • Tomorrow, April 5th there will be a mandatory meeting for any current freshmen through juniors who are interested in running boys or girls cross country for the 2019 season in the HS gymnasium.


  • Those students attending After Prom need to report to the auditorium at this time.



Today’s Lunch:Nachos or BBQ Rib/Bun