It is Friday Feb. 28th and today is National Skip the Straw Day.  I find it strange how everyone suddenly cares about straws because of the turtles, but don’t they realize they have been breaking camels backs for years?

Today for lunch we have BBQ Rib, Ravioli, or Farmer Sub.

Attention all 7th and 8th grade students. If you didn’t hear the presentation yesterday about the new Debate club in the Jr.High and are interested in joining please email Hunter Darsham or Jason Kennelly for more information. 

High school cheer tryout packets are in the office for any 8th grade students interested in doing cheer next year.  Junior High tryout packets are in the office as well. 

Indoor/Winter Run Club dates for next week are Tuesday March 3 and Wednesday March 4 from 3:10 to 4:40 meeting in Mrs. Wilson's room.  Also, Spring is just around the corner so that means Track is too. Official practice begins Monday March 9 from 3:10 to 5:15. If you haven't had a physical this year, make your appointment now!!

Student Council will be hosting our second spirit assembly of the year today during 9th hour.  Teachers, students will be dismissed by grade. Please wait for the announcement. Buddy band, the girls' volleyball, boys and girls' basketball, and dance team members will all be recognized; if you are a member of these teams please sit with your fellow teammates on the floor of the gym. All other students, please sit in your class' section.

Good luck to our 7th grade volleyball team as they begin postseason play tomorrow morning at FCJHS.

Please rise for the pledge:

"I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”

Have a great day Farmers!