Farmington Central Junior High

Good Morning Farmers!  Today is Tuesday, April 11th. 

Happy Birthday to 7th grader Wyatte Boone.

Lunch for today: chicken n noodles, beef burrito, and pb&j

Attention Students interested in volleyball! We have a volleyball skills camp coming in May. If you are interested, stop by the office and pick up a flier! 

Color-A-Thon packet registration is due today. Good luck and let’s make this the best event ever! 

Every week we will be recognizing students who go out of their way to show kindness towards others at school. Last week the following students were caught being kind:

6th graders - Faith Wood and Olivia Bladgen 

7th graders - Rosie Rapp,  Logan McCoy, and Payton Messer

and 8th graders - Marlee Mckenzie, Presley Evans, and Aiden Passmore

Way to go! Stop by the office this morning to claim a prize. If you notice a classmate being kind, remember to submit their name on the google form shared by Mrs. Buwick for a chance to be recognized. 

Today is Therapy Dog Appreciation Day! Therapy dogs are best at putting a smile on people’s faces! If you often see or interact with a therapy dog, be sure to say thank you today! Frankie loves being your therapy dog at Farmington School District!

At this time, will you please rise for the pledge:

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic, for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.  

I am respectful

I am responsible

I am safe

I am prepared