Make sure your student is ready to start school on August 17!

Make sure your student is ready to start school on August 17!  

Please check  Health RequirementsPK, Kindergarten, 2nd Grade, 6th Grade, 9th Grade and 12th Grade all have requirements.

In addition the following need:

Kindergarten Students- Before the 1st day of school we need a copy of the student's certified birth certificate, a physical exam & immunizations, dental exam, eye exam and proof of residency.

Pre-K Students- Before  1st day of School we need a copy of your student's certified birth certificate and  physical exam & immunizations.

If you are new to the district- Before your student can start; we need a copy of your student's certified birth certificate, health, dental, eye exams & immunizations(if we cannot obtain a copy from former school) and proof of residency.

Paperwork can be dropped off at District Office or emailed to Christi Garlish at

If you have any questions, please contact Christi Garlish at the District Office. 309-245-1000 ext 4 or email