Important Bus Information

Important! Please check your busing information in Skyward Family Access. If you have any errors or questions: call the bus company at 309-245-4231.

Please Note: We are still working on Bright Futures routes. You will be notified when all is complete.

If you denied transportation, your child was not put on a route; if this is in error, please contact the Bus Company at 309-245-4231.

We will have 2 runs in the am and pm for routes, 16, 17 and 18. We hope to condense these routes as we are able to monitor actual capacity.

5 days of no ridership and no contact to the bus company will remove your student from the route. To return to a route the parent must call the bus company.

Please notify the bus company at 309-245-4231  with any errors or questions as soon as possible. Please be patient, due to high call volume, parents may need to leave a voicemail  and someone will return your call as soon as possible.

Expect transportation delays until construction is complete on 116. This is obviously out of our control and we will do our best to navigate the situation.

Again, it is very important that you check the information in your Skyward Family Access. Thank you!